7대 선교 전략

• Eighty percent (80%) of the world either chooses to receive information orally by hearing, rather than reading, or is only able to receive information orally.• In America, only 10% of the population chooses to receive information through reading. Twenty percent (20%) will join a Bible study as a way to understand the Gospel. But the large majority will not read or join a Bible study.• Unfortunately, 90% of Christian ministries use a literate communication style which is not reaching the vast majority of people here in America and around the world with the Gospel.
1. In each scene in the story, observe what is said, done or described that gives spiritual information about the people or about God. What do the responses in each section, such as anger, trust or doubt show you about these people spiritually?2. Do you see in the story when God or people make choices? Examine those choices. Do the decisions show feelings such as pride, forgiveness, humility, hate, kindness, fear or respect?Can you think of other choices (good or bad) that could have been made?3. What results do you see from each choice made?4. Who was impacted, either directly or indirectly, by each choice and how?5. What characteristics of God do you see, such as patience, mercy, anger, power, love or concern? Is the Lord encouraging, warning or teaching? How does God respond to people?How do people respond to God?6. Review the observations you have found. For each observation in the story, think about how it might apply today.7. Ask yourself... Have I or someone I know, been in a similar situation, or would this be a new experience for me? What am I saying or doing that is similar to (or different from) the people's reaction in this story? Am I believing or doubting? Am I at peace or confused? Am I seeking God? What can I learn from the actions and words I saw in the story?8. What choices did I make when (if) this happened before? What choices am I making now? Are there better choices that could be made? Would those better choices take the form of words, thoughts, attitudes, or actions?9. What were (or could be) the consequences of my choices? Who was (might be) affected by my choices?10. How do (or did) I see God working in my situation? What could I learn from this story about God and His character? What in this story could help in my situation?
Rev. Myung Soo Lee
Trainer in Simply The Story (STS)Travels internationally 9 months of the year, training pastors, missionaries and Christian workers in presenting the Gospel in the method of STS.Cell Phone: (815) 919-6511Home Phone: (815) 439-0919Email: brotherml@msn.com

• God is the Creator and Sovereign God.• We are created in the image of God and have dignity and value as those created in God’s image. (Gen. 1:27)• There IS absolute Truth (the Bible)
• Darwin’s theory of evolution Humanism:• Man is not created in the image of God Pluralism• Loss of human dignity and personal worth Post Modernism• God is not the Master and Creator of all Relativism & Materialism
• The foundational truths of Creation Evangelism• Help you become grounded in a faith that has scientific answers to refute the false beliefs of our day and stand strong in God’s Word. (Apologetics of our faith.)• Join a Creation Evangelism Tour• Train your Mission Team in doing Creation Evangelism overseas on their Short Term Mission Trip. (Messengers of Mercy: Dr. Tong Yi)
Korean Creation Seminars in the U.S.Jae Man Lee, PhDPhone: (213) 381-1390Email: hisark@gmail.comTong Yi Lee, PhD (Midwest)Trains STMT to do Creation EvangelismPhone: (630) 400-6114Email: creationbara@gmail.comWebsite: www.HisArk.comAssociation for Creation Truth (in U.S.)Mailing address: P.O. Box 819, Norwalk, CA 90650Office address: 10529 Leeds St., Norwalk, CA 90650English Creation Seminars for Youth in the U.S.John Kim, PhDPhone: (213) 381-1390Email: hisark@gmail.comAssociation for Creation Truth (in U.S.)Mailing address: P.O. Box 819, Norwalk, CA 90650Office address: 10529 Leeds St., Norwalk, CA 90650Answers In Genesis (AIG)Founder & Director, Ken HamAIG has 25 speakers who will speakat churches & events in the U.S. .DVD Seminars are also available,including special presentationsfor Children & Youth.Click this link (below) to request an AIG speaker:Phone: 800-778-3390Website: www.answersinGenesis.org

On the Mission Field Overseas: As children attend Nursery and Pre-Schools established by mission outreaches, the Gospel is shared and discipleship is nurtured due to the daily, regular contact teachers have with the children and their families.
As Mission Teams, long term missionaries and local, national people reach out with the Gospel to children and young people, teaching them in creative ways best understood by children and youth (puppets, audio-visuals, hands-on activities, etc.) these young people will be shaped and molded towards becoming godly men and women.
Illiterate Adults: When many of the adult community are illiterate, the evangelistic resources and methods of reaching children are highly effective in reaching illiterate adults as well. See “Orality Evangelism” under the “Ministry” tab for more details on this.
Some Resources we Highly Recommend are from GRN (Global Recordings Network, USA).
• The series Look, Listen & Live, Good News and Words of Life. LLL and Good News have large Bible story pictures and recordings of the Bible stories in over 5,000 languages!
• A Short Term Mission Trip can use the Bible story pictures and gospel recordings in the local language without even knowing the local language themselves.
• GRN resources are excellent for many children and youth ministries, such as VBS, Vocational School, Sunday School, and so on. When the Team leaves, the resources can be left with the missionary who can train local believers to use the materials in their villages.
• Any phone with internet access can download GRN recordings at the GRN mobile website: http://5fish.mobi
• Micro SD Cards: Many mobile phones can be fitted with a micro SD card which can store all of the GRN audio recordings for a language. The card is inserted into the mobile phone and the owner can listen to GRN materials in his own language. The price of these cards is falling, making it an increasingly powerful and inexpensive means of distributing the Gospel! It’s also very effective in closed countries due to the private nature of listening on a mobile phone.
The time is NOW for Christians all over the world to bring God’s Story of the Gospel to the children and youth in our communities. The possibilities and potential for these young people is infinite, as God transforms their lives, one person at a time!
“Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the Kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 19:14)
Mrs. Gabrea (Joy) Park
She has over 35 years of experience in teaching children.
Home Phone: (504)273-2274
Cell Phone: (818)224-0920
Email: gabreapark@gmail.com
For Information on Evangelistic
Resources Contact:
Mrs. Danielle Shumaker
M.O.M/National Home Office
Phone: (630) 580-5074
Email: mommercydanielle@gmail.com
Church and Home: Mission outreach must focus on the Church and the Home walking together hand-in-hand! Strong, godly churches are planted when godly homes are developing.
The Bible is our Authority for Marriage: The Bible establishes God’s standard for marriage from the book of Genesis: one man married to one woman for life.
Some Cultures Encourage Polygamy: In many countries, especially in African and Arab countries, polygamy is encouraged.
Living Together but Not Married: In many countries today couples are living together without being legally married. This practice nurtures a relationship that requires minimal commitment, leading many couples to separate when things get difficult. Due to this unhealthy and ungodly way of living, it’s very common to see single Moms, teen pregnancy, extramarital affairs, and incest.
At MOM we feel so strongly about the Godly Home Ministry, that we encourage EVERY mission ministry to develop this in their specific mission outreach!
There are 7 ministries included in the Godly Home Ministry. We are currently focusing on the Marriage School Ministry and Quince’ Evangelism Ministry until we have more resources and individuals to develop the other 5 ministries listed below.
1) Marriage School Ministry
2) Quince' Evangelism Ministry ? in South America
3) Counseling Ministry
4) Circumcision Evangelism Camp Ministry ? East Africa
5) Godly Motherhood Ministry
6) Godly Fatherhood Ministry
7) Single Mothers’Ministry
Resources for the Godly Home Ministry: MOM is providing programs like the Marriage School Ministry and Quince Evangelism Ministry (a coming-of-age program) to teach and train people towards the establishment of godly, loving homes.
Models of the Godly Home Ministry: This is taking place in Costa Rica, Peru, and Nicaragua and with great success! Praise God!
For a more detailed description of the Marriage School and Quince’ Evangelism ministries, please refer to the “Ministries” tab on this website, click on “Teaching Ministry” tab, and then click “Godly Home Ministry”.
1) ”Transforming Reflection” Marriage Seminar (in Korean and English)
Mrs. Katy Kang
Wheaton College-M.A. in Counseling
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT)
2) Marriage Seminar Curriculum (in Spanish)
Missionary Ik Soo Yoon in Costa Rica
3) “Preparing for Marriage” (Study Guide and Leader’s Guide Available/ in English)
Order from: Family Life Today
Phone: (800) 358-6329
Calls from outside the U.S.:
Phone: (501) 223-8663
Contact :
Mrs. Hae Sook Lee (FL)
(813) 926-3739
E3Empower (www.e3empower.com) is partnering with MOM to provide the resources to implement MED/MF on the mission field.
MED/MF:E3Empower is the expert in the field of MED/MF (Microenterprise Development/Microfinance.
Wholistic Approach: Through MED/MF, communities are impacted spiritually, physically and economically.
Genesis 1:28: “God blessed them and said to them, ‘Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground.”
At the Heart of MED/MF: Microenterprise Development (MED)/ Business As Mission (BAM) are primarily and most importantly about sharing the Gospel and discipling believers in Jesus Christ. Most people will gladly get involved if their benefit is to gain income. However, this is not what MED/BAM is about.
In order for an individual to join a Trust Group, they must show a desire to learn about the Gospel, to be accountable and integrous to the Trust Group, and to grow in becoming a disciple of Jesus Christ. This is at the heart of MED/BAM.
Advancing the Church into the Community: As disciples of Jesus are made they will contagiously reach out to others through their microenterprise, advancing the church into the community!
E3empower Targets Three Areas: education, energy and entrepreneurship.
E3empower develops, trains, and networks to provide appropriate resources for the mission field. These unique resources enable nationals/local people to become empowering and self-supporting so that they are not dependent on outside help.
Modeling and Teaching Biblical Business Principles: As they are taught and trained with a Biblical understanding of stewardship in all areas of life, this will impact not only their individual lives, but whole communities and nations!
For more information, please refer to E3Empower Website: www.e3empower.com
Mrs. Ji-Young Rhee
Phone: (408)-313-1527
Email: E3Empower@gmail.com
Mr. Tae Young Kim
Email: taekim@e3empower.com
Levels of Biblical Stewardship: (7-B Strategy)
1) BSD: Biblical Stewardship Development- Focus: Individuals and families.
Character development taught and modeled, based on the Word of God. Discipling the individual in the biblical concept of stewardship. God owns me. God owns ALL. I am His steward.
2) BCD: Biblical Community Development- Focus: Villages and communities.
Skills developed in BSD are now put into action in community micro-enterprises such as
Eye Aid Clinics, CHE, IBCD, Natural Farming and Livestock.
Income from these micro-enterprises are used to build local churches and schools.
3) BLD: Biblical Leadership Development – Focus: Leadership development
• Schools (Elementary, College/university and Vocational)
• Hospitals (Medical School, Dental School)
• Leadership impacted on a national level (Government/political, Economic/society, Culturally, Spiritually. Godly stewardship of the whole man impacts the county in all these areas.)
4) BBBD: Biblical Big Business Development- Focus: Christian businessmen overseas working at the government level of big business for nationwide impact.
Income from their business funds all levels of the “B-Strategy”.
5) BPS: Biblical Professional Supporters- Focus: Lay people.
“You are the light of the world…Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. (Matt. 5:14a,16)
• Christian lay people choosing intentionally and strategically to live outside America so that their lives will be in relationship cross-culturally in the secular world. Living as Christ’s Light to a watching world, opportunities are abundant to share His love in deed and word! As lives are lived faithfully and productively for Jesus Christ, godly character is modeled and a daily witness to the community is displayed: “a living epistle, read by all men”.
• Secondly, as lay people move overseas and use their business or employment as a resource for funding missions, the full time missionary receives the blessing of additional income to support ongoing ministries.
• “Silvers”(retirees) are needed overseas. The disciple of Jesus Christ never “retires” until Christ calls us Home! Serving overseas provides the missionary with the added hands and expertise of the Silver and enables the Silver to continue to keep actively serving the Lord as long as he/she is able.
6) BSSM: Biblical Self-Supporting Missionary – Focus: Tentmakers
Many countries do not allow “missionary” entry visas. Missionaries therefore use their skills in a variety of areas to gain entrance to the closed country. This provides them with opportunities to develop a web of relationships in which they can live as Lights for Christ and share the Gospel as doors are opened.
Examples of Tent making Opportunities:
• Eye-Aid Clinic
• Nursery and Preschool
• Computer School and Internet Café’
• Small Business (shop church): Kingdom Business
7) BCSM: Biblical Church Supported Missionary – Focus: “Career” missionary fully supported by local churches from their country of origin.