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Medical Mission Resource

(a supporting ministry)
MOM assists the Mission Teams of our partner churches in procuring medical supplies from agencies that provide items specifically to mission ministries. These are provided at greatly discounted prices and sometimes are free. Some of the supplies available are medicines, medical equipment and supplies, ambulance vehicles, eyeglasses, dental supplies, portable water purifiers and much more.
a) Medical Equipment and Medical Supplies
We assist Medical Mission Teams in purchasing new and used supplies such as ultra sound, X-ray equipment, wheel chair, mobile unit, ambulance, lab equipment, operation equipment, hospital bed, and medical supplies (band-aids, syringes, gauze, etc). When purchasing used equipment, it has been refurbished to fit the different electric voltages or cycles on the mission field.
MOM is a member of TECH (Technical Exchange for Christian Healthcare) and we follow their polices and rules when shipping medical supplies and equipment overseas.

We are looking for an individual or organization in the States who can help with the many details and paperwork involved in the purchase of medical equipment and supplies for the mission field.
This individual in the U.S. would work with the missionary overseas to find out the detailed information about the equipment that is needed. It is important that the medical equipment/supplies that end up on the mission field are exactly what is needed for that particular medical mission ministry, are in good working order and that there will be medical staff over seas who will be able to operate the equipment.
1. For “Eyeglass/Medicine Ministry”, please see “Eyeglass/Medicine Ministry” under “MOM Ministries”.
2. The Challenges of Establishing a Hospital on the Mission Field:
• It requires huge funds to build the hospital and purchase the supplies.• It’s difficult to maintain the facilities and medical equipment, to keep medicines stocked, handle all the details of wages for employees and find staffing to work with the medical missionaries. In many cases, because of the stress and burden of operating a mission hospital, the hospital becomes commercialized and evangelism suffers, which was the primary purpose for the hospital.
3. About Effective Medical Missions
a. The survival of a hospital is dependent on commercialism. However, even the minimum cost of medical care cannot be paid by most of the local people, so the hospital isn’t a self-sustaining ministry. To become self-sustaining, it would need to function with the principles of BAM(Business As Mission) so that it would generate income to sustain the benefits of healthcare to the local people.b. Most people on the mission field suffer and/or die from infectious diseases. Therefore, medical missions is better served by training local nurses or nurse practitioners to provide medical care in a small, local dispensary, rather than maintaining a large hospital. These nurses need to be trained in preventative medicine, basic health and hygiene education, first aid and general nursing skills, and some basic skills of a medical doctor, such as circumcision, treating infectious diseases and other simple health care issues.c. Included in the training of local nurses and nurse practitioners should be wholistic training (body, soul and spirit) as Jesus did. In this way, the nurses could treat the physical illnesses of the people and at the same time share with them the gospel of the love of Jesus, bringing His healing to their spirit and soul. The spread of the gospel could be expanded in many countries through the wholistic ministry of trained local missionaries!d. We network with many mission organizations and when a special need occurs, we network with organizations to find a professional to handle the case. Some of these organizations would include WMM—World Medical Mission, CMDS—Christian Medical Dental Society, CBM—Christian Blind Mission, COS—Christian Ophthalmology Society, TECH and so on.e. Evangelistic Oriented Medical Missions1) Medical care is the action of the Gospel message. Other charities also bring medical care to the needy, but our medical care ministry serves asapl at form for the greater ministry to the soul, bringing the life- saving message of the Gospel to those who are eternally lost in their sins.2) Present the Gospel before and/or after medical care is given3) The Gospel will change the culture which will change medical care. See “Evangelistic Circumcision Camp Ministry”, as an example of this.
4. Health Education Program
a) CMM - Coloring Booklet with Bible verses (10 languages)- Cartoon flyer for hygiene & sex education for teens(English&Spanish)- Simple Gospel tracts(English&Spanish)b) FFHM - 56 different POSTERS, including a Manual for teaching health and hygiene education (English, Spanish, Chinese). Available ON LINE TO DOWN LOAD ( HCM - Health Teaching Brochure providing information on 13 diseases. CD (English, Spanish)d) MMI – handouts about heath/hygiene education. Notes of John 3:16 are inserted (Spanish)e) HIV/A.I.D.S.- materials on prevention of A.I.D.S., materials for A.I.D.S. patients, and materials for those working with A.I.D.S. patients.
For details Contact:Young C. Kang, M.D.Phone: (630) 653-6447Email:
b) 의료 봉사에 참여할 의료진들(NMMO, PNMO)