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Ministry for Widows and Orphans

Ministry for Widows and Orphans
“Father to the fatherless, defender of widows—this is God, whose dwelling is holy.” (Psalm 68:5) “Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.”(James 1:27)
MOM has been assisting Widow’s Might in Rwanda and Uganda as they provide not only food and clothing, but train the widows and orphans to become self-supporting.
Due to the Rwanda genocide in 1994, many children were left with no family to care for them. Widow’s Might responded to their need and established a ministry to these Rwandan orphans. These are young people who are now in their late teens or early twenties who have received no formal education and have no means of supporting themselves.
The vocational workshop in Rwanda provides training, enabling them to receive some basic education (learning to read and write) and to learn a trade. Many Rwandan hand crafts and cards are made by these young people and the profit enables them to come to the workshop each day to receive a hot meal, listen to the Word of God being taught, learn to read and write and be encouraged that someone cares! Some also work very hard to save enough to rent a little place to live on their own.
You can be a part of this ministry by going to the WM website and ordering handcrafts and greeting cards to give as gifts to your family and friends or to use in a mission fundraiser.
MOM also has a partnership with Widow’s Might to purchase some pre-selected card packs for a discounted price from what is available on the WM website. See “African Card Project” for more details.