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Library/Book Collection Ministry
This is a wonderful ministry that ships English books from the States overseas to assist a mission ministry in establishing a library. Books can also be donated to seminaries and other mission schools overseas.
> Why do we need this Ministry?
1. Most countries are still open to missionaries with a school related visa, especially where the missionary visa is prohibited, such as in restricted nations.2. There are still countries overseas who don’t have a library. Through this ministry you can be a part of establishing an overseas library. About 20,000 books will fill up a 20-foot shipping container.3. To establish a government recognized library overseas, a minimum of 20,000 books is required. Schools that have a library like this gain a good reputation as a high ranking school.4. Many schools are in need of books for their existing library. One pallet of books from the States can be an excellent library resource for an overseas school.5. Gospel tracts, Scripture booklets and/or evangelistic pamphlets printed in over 350 languages can be shipped inexpensively or for free to the mission field (if there is a sponsor for the shipping fee).
Method and Expense
(1) General Education Books
• Many libraries in our neighborhoods are donating books after their Book Sales. The contact person in these libraries is a volunteer with “Friends of the Library”. This person will assist non-profit organizations (like MOM) in receiving donated books after the Book Sale is over.• The donated books are free, but you will need to go to the library, box up the books, and take them to your storage place until you ship them overseas.• After receiving the donation, make sure to send a ‘Thank You’ card to the “Friends of the Library” volunteer and ask them to contact you when the next Book Sale takes place.
Type of Books Needed:
• Encyclopedia, Dictionary, Christian books, Sunday School material, Children’s books, History and Geography books.• A good source for school text books is to contact a school district and/orelementary/middle/high school.• To establish a medical library, contact MOM office. We can assist you by contactingsome medical mission organizations.
(2) Christian Books
MOM has shipped over 70 containers of books to the mission field during the last 10 years.
* Bibles (when available), Christian books, Sunday School materials, evangelism materials, QT materials, or Christian journals are available to ship to mission field for free.(40ft container with 45,000 books-worth $50,000- are available for free, but you must pay the shipping fee.)
×ThePastor’sLibrary: A program of CRI that provides a basic 7-10 Book Pastor’s Library. It includes the Bibles (Ryrie Study Bible or Atlas), Bible dictionary, Bible commentary and books specifically helpful for missionaries and pastors on the mission field. Languages: English & Spanish. Cost:$150.These books must go outside the USA.
*The following books and materials are available and you can see more about them in the MOM Resource Catalog.
-Free evangelism pamphlets, Bible study materials, and coloring books in over 350 languages from WMP ( )(9 Old Testament stories, 3 New Testament stories) and Bible based ESL English Studies for Short Term Mission Trip use (Spanish, Portuguese, Russian) ( )-Source of Light Ministries ( )-Books for Native American Indians (
*Sending Bibles to countries where Christian evangelism is prohibited is possible