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Bible School Ministry on the Mission Field
a.God’s Story Project (www.gods-story.org)
Eighty percent (80%) of the world receives or prefers to receive information orally by hearing rather than reading. Eighty percent (80%) of the Bible’s contents is narrative, in other words, in story form (storytelling).
Jesus frequently used storytelling to teach spiritual truths to both non-literate and highly educated religious leaders of His day. Stories touch the human heart.
Seventy-five (75%) to eighty percent (80%) retention takes place when information is given in story form. Only twenty-nine percent (29%) is retained when information is given outside of a story format, such as in a list.
God’s Story Project has created a training program called “Simply The Story” to teach inductive Bible Study using the format of storytelling. Storytelling is not dumbing down or simplifying the Bible. 
Through a “Simply The Story” training workshop using “God’s Story: From Creation to Eternity”, students learn to:
• Tell the pure story of the Bible with attention to accuracy, nothing added or deleted.
 Ask questions to pull out the “treasures”.
• Ask questions to make life changing applications of the truths of the Bible story to their personal lives.
For more information, see God’s Story Project website: www.gods-story.org
b. GRN (www.grnusa.net) 
• We highly recommend the resources of GRN, especially the series Look, Listen & Live, Good News and Words of Life. LLL and Good News have large Bible story pictures and recordings of the Bible stories in over 5,000 languages! 
• A Short Term Mission Trip can use the Bible story pictures and gospel recordings in the local language without even knowing the local language themselves. 
• GRN resources are excellent for VBS, Vocational School, Sunday School, and so on. When the Team leaves, the resources can be left with the missionary who can train local believers to use the materials in their villages.
• Some of their materials can be downloaded for free.
c. Mega Voice (www.megavoice.com) and Audio Scriptures Intl.     
d. Talking Bibles www.talkingbibles.org
2) Firm Foundations (www.ntm.org)
3) ISOM (www.isom.org)  
5) LRI (www.LeadershipResources.org) 
이명수.jpg (815)919-6511, brotherml@msn.com
Instructor Profile
Pastor Myung-soo Lee
Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Korea B.A. (1972)
Member of Assembly of God, U.S.A.
Ordained through the Int’l Fellowship, San Diego, CA
Currently instructor at MOM as a Bible Study Program for missionaries 
Contact: phone (815)919-6511, email; brotherml@msn.com