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Character Development Training

Character Development Training
Many people think that a person’s character cannot be changed. This is partly true because genuine, lasting heart change only comes through the power of God’s Holy Spirit, who received when we place our faith in Jesus Christ.
As those created in the image of God, once we believe in Jesus Christ, He changes us so that our character now reflects the One in whose image we have been made. Jesus said, “Remain in Me, and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in Me.” (John 15:4)
Your reputation is a by-product of your character. As your character changes to become like Christ, your reputation will increasingly reflect Christ. When our heart/character changes, our relationships also change and change will take place in our places of work, school and home.
We demonstrate godly character as our heart is changed. Simply learning appropriate external behaviors is superficial and temporary. True godly character comes from a godly heart as our emotions (internal feelings), intellect (reasoning) and will (using self-control) are exercised and strengthened.
The life lived in obedience to Jesus Christ will produce Christ-like character, such as obedience, peace-making, humility, love, perseverance, meekness, loyalty, and self-control.
Instructor: Dr. Soon Ho ParkLecturer for Character Development Training SeminarM.O.M. Nat’l Board Member,(815) 354-1976 cell phone (847) 383-6268
True success is one of the by-products that flow from a person of integrity and good character. Character Development is foundational for life, so it’s important for all people, regardless of their age, religion, education level, profession, or marital status. Good character can be developed as you learn and apply the principles taught at a Character Development Training Seminar.
The Character Development Institute (CDI-Korea) was founded in 2000 by Dr. Joseph Ahne. For 10 years Dr. Ahne trained at the Character Development Institute in the U. S. It’s a new movement serving under the motto: “Success comes from good character.”
Through Wholistic Character Development Training, many problems can be resolved, such as parent-child conflicts, anger, marriage problems, conflicts with people who are different from us, and failing to be productive in managing a business.
1. Character Development Academy -There are classes from Beginner to Advanced, providing teaching for lay people, teachers, pastors, and professionals.2. Character Development Training: for church, business, school, and family.3. Character Development Training for youth: Wholistic approach (spirit, soul, and body) in developing servant leadership qualities.4. Character Development Camp5. Other Published Resources
Instructors:Dr. Soon Ho ParkLecturer for Character Development Training SeminarM.O.M. Nat’l Board Member,Cell Phone: (815) 354-1976; Home phone: (847) 383-6268Email: soonngrace@gmail.comDr. Joseph AhneDirector of