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Children Ministry

Children’s Ministry 
“ And anyone who welcomes a little child like this on My behalf is welcoming Me.  But if you cause one of these little ones who trusts in Me to fall into sin, it would be better for you to have a large millstone tied around your neck and be drowned in the depths of the sea.” ( Matthew 18:5-6)
Here’s a testimony from a child who accepted Christ as Savior. As the child was dying of aterminalillness, they spoke the selas twords before passing into eternity:
“Daddy, I know where I am going now. I will wait for you in heaven with Jesus. Don’t cry for me because we will soon see each other again!” 
Jesus loves children! 
The future of our churches rests on the ability of our children to become godly leaders. Many of them are spiritually ill due to ungodly influences in their life, such as internet games. The future of our churches is questionable if we ignore and neglect the training of our children in the ways of the Lord. We can see the results of this, such as in the churches in Europe or New Zealand. 
It’s time to turn our eyes to ministering to our children as we pray, recruit faithful teachers and raise financial support for this important ministry of the church. 
Sunday school teachers need to have a strong sense of mission in order to see the responsibility they have been given for these young souls entrusted into their care. 
The possibilities for these children, both inside and outside the church, are infinite!
Pastor Gabrea Park
818-224-0920 (c), gabreapark@gmail.com