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QUINCE’ – A Program of the Godly Home Ministry
(South/Central America)
In South/Central America, people celebrate ‘Quince’ which is a cultural celebration for 15 year-old girls coming of age. Because this is such an important celebration for girls, many families often go into debt to provide a party for their daughters. (Expenses are usually $300-$500 for the dress, food, and picture album).
Origins of Quince’: ‘Quince’ is originally from the Hispanic Catholic tradition. Family and friends are invited to a celebration party following the baptism and/or catechism confirmation ceremony at the Catholic church. The party was originally wholesome, but over time has degenerated morally, encouraging the girls to see their coming of age and “womanhood” as an opportunity for sexual immorality. Sadly, this often results in teen pregnancies. The Godly Home Ministry is urgently needed, especially in South/Central America.
A Godly Alternative: The Church can host a low-cost party by providing the location, food, dress and a picture album.
Quince Celebration:
• This is a good opportunity to present the Gospel to family and friends who attend the party.• The girls will declare their ‘purity’ before God and before witnesses, which will lead them to godly living.• The parents will give their daughter a “Declaration of Purity” ring which is a symbol of her commitment to remain morally pure until she marries.• The girls will give thanks to God for their 15 years of life and be encouraged to live their faith.• The girls will receive a certificate marking this day of commitment to moral purity.
Biblical Womanhood Training: The girls who celebrate must agree to attend an 8-session training program on Biblical Womanhood. Sessions include the salvation message, sin and the consequences of sexual immorality /premarital sex, reasons for purity, etc.
Missionary Yun in Costa Rica prepared excellent curriculum in Spanish for the Quince’ program.
Messengers of Mercy is looking for Donations of very fancy clothing:
Prom dress, bridesmaid dresses, other formal dresses, fancy shoes, jewelry accessories, small, fancy purses, gloves, head wear, sashes, belts, scarves, other fancy party apparel.
Ms.Hae Sook(Hazel) Lee (FL)Marrige School and Quince MinistryB.A. in Home EconomicsMultiple short mission trips